We’ve been doing wee studies on various process issues from Strategic Asset Management to Post Occupancy Evaluation and there’s a common thread coming through : talking and listening.
The skills needed to operate effectively in the space between changing service models and infrastructure investment are expansive. Professor Steven Male, discussing the issue at Improving Scotland’s Public Sector Estate, described the new Property Professional as having the ability to develop a clear line of sight between policy and technical issues – from strategic direction to briefing and construction - and the human skills to lead ‘one time only’ clients through the change needed to develop resilient infrastructure. SGHD's own Mike Baxter continued, stressing the importance of the role being played by estates staff particularly in ensuring the best results are achieved through infrastructure investment; facilities that realise benefits of co-location and provide truly healing environments.
We’re finding people with these rare skills come from a range of backgrounds; but wherever we find good practice and innovative thinking we find a key figure with a personable, pragmatic and collaborative approach who can converse as readily on matters of policy and strategy as on the position of a basin and the feel of a place.